10-11 APRIL 2025 | Fira Barcelona - Gran Vía

Benign – malignant: clinical cases to debate

Thu 26 Jan | 16:45 - 17:30

When diagnosing lesions and diseases of the oral cavity, we base our diagnosis on clinical diagnosis (anamnesis and clinical examination) and complementary tests. For the dentist and in his daily practice it is essential to know the signs and symptoms of the diseases and to know which tests and which not to order to complete the diagnosis. In this lecture we will review the frequent lesions that affect the mouth, taking into account their clinical appearance, distinguishing those in the form of a lump, changes in colour or ulcerative form. We will present clinical images of all these lesions, evaluating the time of evolution, location, consistency, existence or not of symptomatology, relation with systemic pathology, response to therapeutic measures, complementary diagnostic tests, etc. We will review our cases with information from other authors comparing our results.

José López

José López

Full Professor

Universidad Barcelona

Andrés Blanco Carrión

Andrés Blanco Carrión

Professor Oral Medicine. USC

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Enric Jané Salas

Enric Jané Salas

Associate Professor of Oral Medicine

Universidad de Barcelona